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  For English speakers with subpar Chinese skills, daily life in China offers a confounding array of choices. At banks, there are machines for 'cash withdrawing' and 'cash recycling.' The menus of local restaurants might present such delectables as 'fried enema,' 'monolithic tree mushroom stem squid' and a mysterious thirst-quencher known as 'The Jew's Ear Juice.'


  Those who have had a bit too much monolithic tree mushroom stem squid could find themselves requiring roomier attire: extra-large sizes sometimes come in 'fatso' or 'lard bucket' categories. These and other fashions can be had at the clothing chain known as Scat.

  吃多了巨树蘑菇干鱿鱼的人,或许要穿更宽大的衣服:超大号有时叫 “胖子”或者“猪桶”。在名为“赶快走开”的时装连锁店里就能看到这样或那样的时装。


  Go ahead and snicker, although by last Saturday's opening of the Expo 2010 in Shanghai, drawing more than 70 million visitors over its six-month run, these and other uniquely Chinese maladaptations of the English language were supposed to have been largely excised.


  Well, that at least is what the Shanghai Commission for the Management of Language Use has been trying to accomplish during the past two years. Fortified by an army of 600 volunteers and a politburo of adroit English speakers, the commission has fixed more than 10,000 public signs (farewell 'Teliot' and 'urine district'), rewritten English-language historical placards and helped hundreds of restaurants recast offerings.

  至少这是上海语言文字工作委员会在过去两年一直想实现的。在600名志愿者和一批英语专家的协助下,该委员会已经修正一万多个公共标识(“Teliot”和“urine district”都不见了),改写介绍名胜古迹的英语解说牌,帮助几百家餐厅改写菜单上的菜名。