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  'If you standardize all these signs, you not only take away the little giggle you get while strolling in the park but you lose a window into the Chinese mind,' said Mr. Radtke, who is the author of a pair of picture books that feature giggle-worthy Chinglish signs in their natural habitat. Lest anyone think it is all about laughs, Mr. Radtke is currently pursuing a doctoral degree in Chinglish at the University of Heidelberg.


  Still, the enemies of Chinglish say the laughter it elicits is humiliating. Wang Xiaoming, an English scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, painfully recalls the guffaws that erupted among her foreign-born colleagues as they flipped through a photographic collection of poorly written signs. 'They didn't mean to insult me but I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable,” said Ms. Wang, who has since become one of Beijing's leading Chinglish slayers.


  Those who study the roots of Chinglish say many examples can be traced to laziness and a flawed but wildly popular translation software. Victor Mair, a professor of Chinese at the University of Pennsylvania, said the computerized dictionary, Jingshan Ciba, had led to sexually oriented vulgarities identifying dried produce in Chinese supermarkets and the regrettable 'fried enema' menu selection that should have been rendered as 'fried sausage.'

  研究中式英语源头的人表示,许多问题是因为人们偷懒,以及现在流行的一种翻译软件存在缺陷。宾夕法尼亚大学中文系教授维克多?迈尔表示,金山词霸将中国超市里的干货翻译得淫秽粗俗,而菜单上的“炸灌肠”应该翻译为“fried sausage”。

  Although improved translation software and a growing zeal for grammatically unassailable English has slowed the output of new Chinglishisms, Mr. Mair said he still received about five new examples a day from people who knew he was good at deciphering what went wrong. 'If someone would pay me to do it, I'd spend my life studying these things,' he said.


  Among those getting paid to wrestle with Chinglish is Jeffrey Yao, an English translator and teacher at the Graduate Institute of Interpretation and Translation at Shanghai International Studies University who is leading the sign exorcism. But even as he eradicates the most egregious examples by government fiat, he has mixed feelings, noting that although some Chinglish phrases sound awkward to Western ears, they can be refreshingly lyrical. 'Some of it tends to be expressive, even elegant,' he said, shuffling through an online catalog of signs that were submitted by the volunteers who prowled Shanghai with digital cameras. 'They provide a window into how we Chinese think about language.'


  He offered the following example: While park signs in the West exhort people to 'Keep Off the Grass,' Chinese versions tend to anthropomorphize nature as a way to gently engage the stomping masses. Hence, such admonishments as 'The Little Grass Is Sleeping. Please Don't Disturb It' or 'Don't Hurt Me. I Am Afraid of Pain.' Mr. Yao read off the Chinese equivalents as if savoring a Shakespearean sonnet. 'How lovely,' he said with a sigh.


  He pointed out that this linguistic mentality helped create such expressions as 'long time no see,' a word-for-word translation of a Chinese expression that became a mainstay of spoken English. But Mr. Yao, who spent nearly two decades working as a translator in Canada, has his limits. He showed a sign from a park designed to provide visitors with the rules for entry, which include prohibitions on washing, 'scavenging,' clothes drying and public defecation, all of it rendered in unintelligible - and in the case of the last item - rather salty English. The sign ended with this humdinger: 'Because if the tourist does not obey the staff to manage or contrary holds, Does, all consequences are proud.'

  他指出,这种语言思维方式导致出现了诸如“long time no see(好久不见)”这样的表达,这个按中文字面意思翻译的句子经成为英语口语中常用句。姚已经在加拿大做了将近20年的翻译工作,但他的容忍也有限度。他展示了一处公园里的一则标志,上面写着游客入园规定,其中禁止在园中洗衣服,用的是“清洗”一词,禁止晾晒衣服,禁止排便,让人不知所云,尤其是最后一条,用词相当粗俗——“如果游客不服从工作人员管理或者执意坚持,由此造成的所有后果自负。”

  Even though he had had the sign corrected recently, Mr. Yao could not help but shake his head in disgust at the memory. And he was irritated to find that a raft of troublesome sign verbiage had slipped past the commission as the expo approached, including a cafeteria sign that read, 'The tableware reclaims a place.' (Translation: drop off dirty dishes here.) 'Some Chinglish expressions are nice, but we are not translating literature here,' he said. 'I want to see people nodding that they understand the message on these signs. I don't want to see them laughing.'
