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  Think the odd cigarette won't hurt? Just smoking one is enough to block your arteries and trigger a heart attack, America's chief medical adviser has warned.

  Tobacco smoke causes 'immediate damage', with each puff circulating hundreds of toxic chemicals to most of your organs.


  The 700-page Surgeon General's report found there was no safe level of exposure to cigarette smoke - whether you deliberately inhale or breathe it in second hand.


  'That one puff on that cigarette could be the one that causes your heart attack,' said Surgeon General Regina Benjamin.

  “吸一口烟就有可能是你心脏病发的诱因”,首席外科医生Regina Benjamin说。

  This is because smoke immediately seeps into the bloodstream and changes its chemistry so that it becomes more sticky, allowing clots to form that can squeeze shut already narrowed arteries.


  This is in addition to the more subtle long-term damage to blood vessels themselves, making them more narrow. And no one knows how little it takes to trigger that clotting.


  Dr Terry Pechacek of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said this meant smoking a cigarette at a party could be enough to trigger a heart attack in someone whose arteries are silently clogged.

  美国疾病控制与预防中心的Terry Pechacek博士说,这意味着在派对上吸入一支烟就足以引发一个动脉悄然结块的人心脏病发。

  'Too often people think the occasional social cigarette is not so dangerous, when in fact this report says yes, it is,' he said.


  The report also found even brief exposure to second-hand smoke 'could trigger acute cardiac events such as heart attack.'
