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  Isreali scientists claimed that modern man did not originate in Africa as previously believed, but in the Middle East. The new discovery may force archeologists re-write the history of the evolution of modern man。

  According to the study published last week in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, scientists from the Institute of Archeology at Tel Aviv University found eight human-like teeth in the Qesem cave near Rosh Ha'Ayin and they are 400,000 years old, making them the earliest remains of homo sapiens discovered in the world。

  In addition, the researchers found evidence of a sophisticated early human society that used sharpened flakes of stone. The Israeli scientists said the remains found in the cave suggested the systematic production of flint blades, the habitual use of fire, evidence of hunting, cutting and sharing of animal meat, and mining raw materials to produce flint tools from rocks below ground。

  Before that, scientists have argued that human beings originated in Africa 150,000 to 200,000 years ago - remains of homo sapiens were discovered in Ethiopia, from 160,000 years ago - and homo sapiens gradually migrated north, through the Middle East, to Europe and Asia。

  The explorers said they were continuing to investigate the cave and its contents, expecting to make more discoveries that would shed further light on human evolution in prehistoric times。


  上周发表在美国生物医学杂志《体质人类学》的一篇研究报告表明,以色列特拉维夫大学考古研究所的科学家们在以色列城市Rosh Ha'Ayin附近的Qesem洞穴内发现了8颗40万年前的类似人类牙齿的化石,这使得它们成为世界上已出土的最早的智人遗留物。


