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布兰妮订婚疑似重重 喜事或是浮云?


  After tweeting happy posts and pictures on her Twitter all throughout Christmas, it appeared that Britney Spears was in high spirits over the holidays. But the pop star was looking rather glum yesterday as she took an afternoon drive around Beverly Hills with boyfriend, Jason Trawick.

  在2010年的圣诞节上,小甜甜布兰妮的一张与圣诞老人的温馨合照中亮闪闪的“钻戒”“泄露天机”,使得“布兰妮又要结婚”的传闻一浪盖过一浪。然而圣诞假期刚过,布兰妮的订婚传闻是否能证实,她圣诞夜上手上戴的钻戒真是订婚戒吗?狗仔们继续追踪。日前狗仔偷拍的布兰妮与男朋友 Jason在私人座驾奔驰内的照片,让该“订婚传闻”疑云重重。据悉,狗仔拍到布兰妮与男友Jason 开车前往比佛利山庄的路上,这位“疑似准新娘”脸上愁云密布,让人担心订婚终究是浮云。

  The singer sat in the passenger seat of her Mercedes Benz SUV as Jason took to the wheel during their outing. Even when Jason pointed at something out of the window, Britney appeared to have ignored him and simply stared ahead. Her behaviour hardly indicates a woman in the throngs of engagement bliss.

  照片显示,这对爱侣乘坐梅赛德斯-奔驰S UV系列外出郊游,尽管乘坐百万豪车,布兰妮丝毫未感到任何喜悦,不管 Jason怎样取悦她,她都表现出一副“爱理不理”的面容,小甜甜布兰妮的这种状态让人很难与“订婚”一事联系起来。