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Lady gaga曝露臀照 惊艳宣传新专辑


  Lady Gaga and her fans rang in 2011 with more news of her next album, Born This Way.

  Lady Gaga在2011年新年时候,向她的粉丝们公布了更多关于新专辑“Born This Way”的消息。

  Before the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve, the pop star, Mother Monster and Twitter freak used the social networking site to post the release date of her new single and disc. She also tweeted a revealing photo of her booty.


  The song will be unveiled on the same day as the Grammys — Sunday, Feb. 13 — while Born This Way will drop May 23.

  In an interview with BBC Radio, the New York native says the album is “all about my little monsters and me, mother monster” and “a marriage of electronic music with major, epic, dare I even say, metal or rock ‘n’ roll, pop, anthemic style melodies with really sledge-hammering dance beats.”

  在电台的采访中,Lady Gaga表示这张专辑“完全展示了我和我的小怪物们”,是“电子音乐和金属流行乐的混合体,还包含了强劲的舞蹈鼓点节奏。”

  While Gaga was the undisputed top pop star of 2010, she’ll be competing with another diva this year. Britney Spears will unveil her new single, Hold It Against Me, sometime this month.

  作为2010年无可争议的最佳流行乐歌手之一,Lady Gaga的新专辑在今年将会遇到另一位歌手的强力竞争。布兰妮将会在这个月发布她的最新单曲“Hold It Against Me”。