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  4. Nurture friendships – You know the people who for some reason or other welcome you into their lives? Treasure them. Make time to spend with them. It is those relationships that you’ll look back on with satisfaction when you get old and begin to wonder what your life was worth. Many of us spend far too much time thinking about how some material possession will improve our lives. An iMac would be nice. A good friend is worth just about everything though!

  4. 维系友情 –你了解那些因各种原因欢迎你进入他们生活的人吗?请珍惜他们,花些时间和他们在一起。等你老的时候,开始回想过去的功过,这些人际关系能带给你满足感。很多人花了很多时间思考物质如何能改善自己的生活。一台苹果电脑就很好。事实上,一个好友抵得上世间的一切。