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  So far, Skyes has starred with Johnny Depp in Sweeney Todd and Pirates Of The Caribbean; been a king's pooch in The Other Boleyn Girl; had a role in Young Victoria, the Duchess, Burke And Hare, not to mention Clash Of The Titans and Wolfman.

  截止目前为止,赛克斯曾在《理发师陶德》和《加勒比海盗》中与约翰尼 德普合作;在《另一个波琳家的女孩》中扮演国王的爱犬;出演《年轻的维多利亚》、《公爵夫人》、《布克和海尔》乃至《诸神之战》等多部电影。

  "He has make-up. They just use ordinary human make-up. And hair gel, too. Skyes loves the attention," says Gill. "He does get recognized these days and people will come up and say: 'Do you know, that dog looks just like Harvey in the TV commercial.' They give him a pat."
