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英国10%民众一生欠债 习惯透支过日子


  Young adults are most likely to be in debt in their current account, with 46 per cent of 20 to 29-year-olds going into the red in the past year One in 10 Britons is permanently overdrawn, a survey suggests. Researchers also found that 37 per cent have used their overdraft at least once during the past 12 months. Young adults are most likely to be in debt in their current account, with 46 per cent of 20 to 29-year-olds going into the red in the past year.


  Astonishingly, around 16 per cent of this age group have never managed to claw their way back into credit, according to research by moneysupermarket.com. By contrast, only 18 per cent of the over-70s surveyed had used their overdraft at all in the past 12 months. Half of those surveyed said they would cut back on spending or dip into their savings to stop themselves from going into the red. Kevin Mountford, head of banking at moneysupermarket.com, said: ‘Times are extremely tough for UK consumers so it's no surprise to see so many Britons living in their overdrafts.

  ‘The recent rises in the cost of living have made the habit of living in the red even harder to break for many consumers and we can expect to see many more people falling back into this position as living costs continue to increase. ‘However, it's good to see many people taking a more sensible approach by looking to cut back on spending or use their savings before going into their overdrafts.’Opinium Research questioned 2,050 people during February.

  令人吃惊的是,根据网站的调查,在20到29岁年龄段的“卡奴”中,有16%的人竟然从未还债成功,一直欠债过日子。与之相反,有18%的老年人(70岁左右)在过去的12个月中做到了不欠债过日子。在调查这些信用度非常高的老年人后,专家了解到,这部分群体的人在遇到透支问题的时候,宁可立即停止消费,或者求助自己的银行存款来结束当前的“欠债危机”,他们是“打死也不做卡奴”的一个群体。有专家Kevin Mountford说:“目前的形势已经相当严峻了,特别对于英国的消费者的生存状况来说,他们一直背负卡债过日子,却十分心安理得。这样下去,”他还说道:“如今越来越高的物价让大家都过得苦不堪言,也是让更多的人宁肯心理不舒坦,也选择欠债的生活方式。当然,也不是所有人都愿意欠债生活的,当生活成本让人不堪重负的时候,大家会回头反思自己的生活方式,在自己能承受的范围内削减生活开支,回到一种节俭的生活状态。”