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4. My Job
After three years of studying Food Process Engineering at Purdue, I realized that a 9-5 job at one of the big food companies wasn’t the life for me. I spent the last year of college building websites for my own personal profit and in the process learned a lot about web development.

After I graduated, I made one call to a cousin who owned a web development company. He gave me an opportunity to work on a project which eventually led to a full time gig.I put this on my list because my cousin had no reason to hire me. I had no degree and no professional experience, but he took a chance and gave me an opportunity.

5. My Websites
I own and operate several blogs in my spare time. I build my sites on either WordPress or Drupal. Both of these website platforms are open source projects that are completely free to use.
业余时间,我经营了几个自己的博客,有的是我在WordPress博客引擎上建的,有的是在 Drupal内容管理平台上建的。这两个网站平台都是开源项目,完全免费使用。

In the web development world, it is so easy to take for granted all of the free information, scripts, programs, and platforms that are available. The cost to develop a blog platform similar to WordPress or Drupal would be in the thousands, not to mention all of the free modules and add-ons.The WordPress and Drupal communities have created a product that allows me to set up a new blog in minutes for free.
WordPress 和 Drupa社区提供了一种可以让我在几分钟内免费创建博客的产品。在网络开发的世界里,人们很容易想当然地以为所有可用的信息、脚本、程序、平台就是免费的。事实上,开发出一个像WordPress和Drupal这样的博客平台就要花费数以千计,这还不算那些免费的模块和附加程序。