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  More than half of women feel so overweight that they avoid having sex with their partners, a survey shows。

  Some 52 per cent said their lack of confidence in the shape of their bodies made them reluctant to be intimate。

  Even more blamed tiredness for killing off the prospect of a night of passion。

  Experts said the poll showed many women were suffering from a combination of unrealistic expectations about their appearance and increasingly busy lives, and warned relationships were inevitably suffering as a result。

  Sex in the Nation, a survey of 4,000 people, found that 29 per cent of women cited feeling that they looked fat as a reason for avoiding sex, with a further 23 per cent blaming embarrassment about their 'wobbly bits'。

  The figures for male respondents were eight per cent and 11 per cent respectively。

  The biggest passion-killer of all was tiredness, a reason 72 per cent of women said they had given their partners, followed by feeling unattractive (34 per cent), illness (33 per cent) and stress (32 per cent)。

  Psychosexual specialist Dr Catherine Hood, who lectures at Oxford University, said many women "feel under pressure to live up to a vision of perfection which just isn't realistic"。

  Of the women polled, 13 per cent said they only had sex with the lights off out of embarrassment at being seen naked, and one in ten would like to be more adventurous in the bedroom but stuck to familiar sexual positions because they felt ashamed about parts of their body。





