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Zeng Jiying, 19, a sophomore in English at Hunan University, was the *administrator of Pengyou.com in her school during her freshman year. Pengyou.com is an SNS website launched by Tencent. It allows people from the same university to communicate online.

One of Zeng’s tasks was to choose articles with the potential to go viral and put them at the top of the page. As a big fan of SNS websites, Zeng knew exactly what to look for. Her picks included articles about a handsome cake salesperson near the campus and the romantic *confessions of love at the gate of the girls’ dorm building.

Although the pay was not high –200 yuan per month on average–Zeng managed to expand her campus connections. The job also helped the then-freshman to quickly adapt to campus life and learn about the university as she read the articles written by upperclassmen. Most importantly, Tencent would reward the top Pengyou.com administrators with a summer internship.

Qian Liangliang, a career consultant at Zhaopin.com, encourages students to take part-time jobs which make good use of their campus knowledge.

“Enterprises are launching part-time projects to meet students’ needs,” said Qian. “They also hope to build their teams of talents earlier from among freshmen and sophomores.”

But Tian Rumi warned students to focus on the part-time job openings posted on companies’ websites, as part of their campus recruitment drives.

“These openings usually offer long-term training and might lead to an internship,” said Tian. “However, ads posted by a small branch of the company might only aim at getting students to fill up temporary vacancies in times of labor shortages.”