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怎样跟朋友借钱 避免伤感情


Who do you turn to when you're strapped for cash? It's normal to ask a friend for help. But, mixing finances and friendship can foil a friendship if you aren't sure you can pay back what you borrow. To ensure you and your friend are on the same page you need to create a paper trail that explains what you're borrowing, for how long and how you will pay it back.

1 Tell your friends exactly why you need to borrow money. You can draft a letter explaining how the money will be used and what you intend to get out of the temporary loan. This may help ease your friends' concerns about lending money to you.

2 Ask for an exact amount of money from your friends without taking additional funds. Your friends likely do not have the same financial holdings as a bank that can offer loans to cover emergency contingencies. Determine the right amount to borrow and indicate how you arrived at the figure.
2. 跟你朋友借钱的数目要确切,不要有额外的资金。你的朋友不可能有跟银行一样多的金融资金为你提供贷款帮你应对紧急情况。确定你所要借的钱的金额,说明你如何达到这个数目。

3 Make every effort to pay more than your monthly payment when borrowing money from your friends. You can help your friends with their financial situations while clearing off your debt by getting ahead of your repayment schedule.
3. 当你跟朋友借钱的时候,尽一切努力支付超过你的月付款数。通过超前偿还计划还清你的债务可以帮助你的朋友解决经济情况。