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怎样跟朋友借钱 避免伤感情

4 Negotiate an interest rate that is amenable to you and your friends. Many lending arrangements between friends can be uncomfortable because neither side wants to ask for too much. You can make a loan worth your friend's time by adding competitive interest rates into the agreement.
4. 协商一个适合你和你朋友的利率。朋友间很多贷款协议都很不愉快的,因为双方都要求太多。你可以通过在协议中增加贷款利率,才对得起朋友为你的付出。

5 Write out a promissory note with the assistance of a lawyer or other witness. A promissory note establishes the terms of the loan and allows action in a court of law if the provisions fall within state contract laws.
5. 在律师或其他证人的见证下写张借据。一张借据说明贷款期限,而如果属于国家合同法律,则允许向法院提出诉讼。

6 Provide friends who lend you money for a business with services or products from that business. You can use discounted sales prices, rented equipment and other benefits to encourage your friends to invest in the long-term health of your business.
6. 向借你钱做生意的朋友提供你所做业务的产品或服务。你可以使用优惠销售价格,租用设备和其他方面的利益鼓励你朋友对你该行业的长期健康发展进行投资。