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5 Drink a protein shake, smoothie or other healthy energy drink if you are too nervous to eat. This gives you the energy you need to keep going until you can eat properly.
5 当你因太紧张而吃不下饭的时候,喝一杯蛋白质混合饮品,思慕雪或其他健康能量饮料。这样能提供使你维持下去的能量,直到你能正常吃饭。

6 Keep healthy snacks like protein bars and fruit in your bag to munch on between tests. Keep your energy up without resorting to sugary treats, which may cause quick bursts of energy leading to a crash.
6 在包里放一些健康零食如蛋白质棒和水果,你可以在考试的休息时间吃。不要靠吃含糖甜点使你保持能量,含糖甜点会使能量快速爆发导致崩溃。

7 Take a multivitamin every day. Omega-3s and B vitamins increase brain functionality, but you also need a full range of nutrients to keep your body healthy.
7 每天服用多种维生素剂。Ω- 3脂肪酸和维生素B能提高你的脑部功能,但是你需要全面的营养物质来保持你的身体健康。

8 Moderate your drinking during exams. Excessive alcohol causes fatigue, headaches and general lack of focus. Try not to drink at all the night before a test.
8 有考试时要适度饮酒。过度的酒精会造成疲劳、头痛和注意力不集中。考试前一晚尽量不喝酒。

9 Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated before and during an exam. Dehydration may cause you to loose focus or feel sick during the test.
9 考试前和考试时喝大量的水保持水分充足。脱水会导致你考试时注意力不集中或感觉恶心。
