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Since it became available last April, the iPad has been a technological marvel.  Its touch-screen, ease of use and wide-range of apps make it a fun and functional device as well as a productive tool for business. There are over 15 million iPads in use today, according to Steve Jobs' March 2 keynote address.
从去年四月上市以来,iPad就成为一个技术性的奇迹。触屏,简单操作系统和广泛的应用程序使它成为一个有趣、多功能的产品,同时在商业上也是一个有用的工具。根据Steve Job在3月2日发表的政策演讲,今天已经超过150百万人在使用iPad。

Despite its popularity, the truth is that none of us need an iPad. We just all want one. If you've considered getting one of the new models that came out recently, however, you may have been overwhelmed when you realized there are 18 different options. Here’s a run-down of what models are available, along with my recommendations.

Color - Black or White? 

The black iPad is less distracting. It blends with the content you're viewing and is less reflective than the white model. If you're considering the white model, check it out in the store first.

WiFi/3G or just WiFi?

3G gives you internet access whenever/wherever. WiFi only gives you access if you're near a hotspot (at home if you have wireless, Starbucks, etc.)  The 3G models are an additional $129, but having the 3G option is insurance that you can get online when you need to. If you’re a business user or frequent traveler, this is important and worth the additional investment. However, I would recommend that you only activate a data plan when you're sure you need one; it’s only a 30-day commitment.

Which Size?

16GB, 32GB or 64GB... how much storage do you need?  What are you planning to keep on your iPad?  A 16GB iPad will hold about 400 songs, 400 photos, two movies and a few dozen apps -- including about a dozen books. 
16GB, 32GB,还是64GB……你需要多大的容量?你的iPad里要存放什么?一个16GB的ipad大约可以存放400首歌,400张图片,两部电影和几十个软件——包括一打书。(和谐英语学习网原创内容,转载请注明出处!)