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Although we live in the land of plenty — and for the most part overeat — there are some critical vitamins that Americans tend to be short on, especially women. These include calcium, folic acid, iron, and vitamin D. Despite trying to eat well, we may not get all the nutrients we need, so taking a daily multivitamin is a good idea. More difficult than the decision of whether to take a multivitamin, though, is which one to take. How do you make that decision? It can be difficult, given the aisles of choices that face us today. Here are some guidelines to help you find a good multivitamin that will provide you with the safety net you're looking for:

Select a trustworthy manufacturer. Look for the USP stamp on the label. The United States Pharmacopeia is a volunteer-based, not-for-profit organization that tests supplements — if the manufacturer requests it and pays for it — to verify that the pills contain what the label says they do. The USP acts as a quality control check on the ingredients.
选择一个可靠的制造商。 寻找标签上盖有USP的印章。美国药典(USP)是一个非盈利性的志愿者组织,它检验营养补充品——如果厂商要求并付钱——证实药品中含有标签上所标的营养物质。USP作为成分的质量管理检验。

Beware of hollow promises. Don't make choices based on the claims on the label — words like"Performance Enhancer," and "Stress Control" have no science to back them up.
谨防空洞的承诺。 不是依靠标签上的说明就做出选择——如“增强表现力”和“控制压力”这些词语都是没有科学根据的。

Search for a vitamin with most of your daily needs. Look for a vitamin with 100 percent of the daily value for the following vitamins: vitamins A, B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6, B12, C, D, E, and folic acid.

Take calcium separately. Because calcium is bulky, you can't get the daily value in a single tablet or capsule. Take a calcium supplement if you're not getting enough from your diet instead of trying to make up for it with two or more mu ltivitamins a day
单独服用钙片。 因为人体所需的钙是大量的,你不可能服用一颗药片或胶囊就获取每日营养摄入量。如果从饮食中不能获取足够的钙,就服用钙补充品,代替每天服用两或三种复合维生素。
