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"We found that highly extraverted people are happier with their lives because they tend to hold a positive, nostalgic view of the past and are less likely to have negative thoughts and regrets. People high on the neurotic scale essentially have the exact opposite view of the past and are less happy as a result," said Ryan Howell, assistant professor of psychology at San Francisco State University, who authored the study with SF State graduating senior Jia Wei Zhang.
旧金山州立大学的心理学助理教授莱恩 豪威尔说:“我们发现,非常外向的人对自己的生活更满意,因为他们一般会用积极、怀旧的目光来看待过往,对过去不大会有消极的想法和遗憾。特别神经质的人看待过去的方式则正好相反,因而也就比较不快乐。”一同撰写该研究报告的还有旧金山州立大学即将毕业的大四学生张家玮(音译)。
"This is good news because although it may be difficult to change your personality, you may be able to alter your view of time and boost your happiness," Howell said.
The authors suggest that savoring happy memories or reframingpainful past experiences in a positive light could be effective ways for individuals to increase their life satisfaction.
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