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摄影师拍摄水下弄潮儿 与大海"博弈"


  Underwater photographer Mark Tipple's latest work gives a view of swimmers as they roll in the wake of 15ft high waves. Using his underwater camera Mark, 29, captures the "battle" between man and the power of the ocean in Australia.

  水下摄影师Mark Tipple的最新作品让人们得以一窥紧随15英尺大浪的弄潮儿的矫健身姿。今年29岁的Mark在澳大利亚用水下摄影机记录下了这一人类与海洋力量 的“战斗博弈”。

  Underwater photographer Mark Tipple's latest work gives a view of swimmers as they roll in the wake of 15ft high waves. Using his underwater camera Mark, 29, captures the "battle" between man and the power of the ocean in Australia.

  水下摄影师Mark Tipple的最新作品让人们得以一窥紧随15英尺大浪的弄潮儿的矫健身姿。今年29岁的Mark在澳大利亚用水下摄影机记录下了这一人类与海洋力量 的“战斗博弈”。