A new study suggests that the ability of IQ tests to predict your future — in areas such as job success, education and any brushes with the law — has a lot to do with how motivated you are when you take the test.
In other words, an IQ test may provide good insight into a test-taker’s life, “but it might not predict it for the reason you think,” explained study author Angela Lee Duckworth, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
换句话说,一个IQ测试可以对测试者的生活有很好的了解,“但是它不能预测你所认为的原因。”美国宾夕法尼亚大学副教授,该项研究作者Angela Lee Duckworth说。

Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests are valued in part because researchers have linked scores to success or failure later in life. “It predicts how long you’ll live, whether you’ll stay married, your grade point average,” Duckworth noted.
On top of that, IQ tests seem to measure not only intelligence but the ability to become smarter.
“Social scientists think they’re accurate measures of how well people can learn: this kid’s got a 120, so they can learn really well,” Duckworth said. “This kid’s got an IQ of 95, so they can’t learn that well.”
But not everyone who takes an IQ test gives it their full attention. “I do a lot of work in urban classrooms, and it was salient to me that some of these kids did not care,” Duckworth explained. “They put their pencils and heads down after one or two questions. It was obvious that they were not trying to do it. They hadn’t even started trying.”
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