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  It is estimated that one in four women in the US has had difficulty achieving orgasm in the past year, while between five and ten percent of women suffer from anorgasmia and cannot climax at all.


  Speaking to New Scientist magazine, researcher Janniko Georgiadis said the OFC may be the basis for "sexual control", and that by "letting go" women can induce orgasm.

  研究员贾尼科 吉尔吉厄迪斯在接受《新科学家》杂志采访时称,大脑的眼窝前额皮质或许是控制人类性高潮的区域,只要女性能让这一区域“全情投入”,她们就能获得性高潮。

  He said: "I don't think orgasm turns off consciousness but it changes it. When you ask people how they perceive their orgasm, they describe a feeling of a loss of control. I'm not sure if this altered state is necessary to achieve more pleasure or is just some side effect."


  To create the scans, Dutch researchers strapped the women into an MRI scanner and then allowed their partners to pleasure them to orgasm, all the while taking snapshots of their brain activity.
