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  It is hoped that by comparing the brain scans of women having an orgasm with those who cannot, scientists will be able to "coach" those with anorgasmia into truly "letting go".


  Kenneth Casey at the University of Michigan explained that people who suffer from chronic pain conditions can be coached to relieve some of their symptoms by altering how they thought.

  密歇根大学的肯尼斯 凯西解释说,那些饱受慢性疼痛病折磨的患者就是通过训练自己的大脑来减缓痛苦的感觉的。

  Mr Casey said: "The placebo effect is an easy example of practical top-down control. You believe you are taking a pill that will help and somehow it does. In my experience, simply telling a patient that the pain they are experiencing is not harmful has an analgesic effect."


  It is hoped that by allowing women with anorgasmia to watch their brain activity in real time, they too will be able to "train" their brain to copy the same activity of women who can experience orgasm.
