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In the land of croissants, cheese and wine, how do French people manage to stay healthy and trim? French women have been following Dr. Rougier's advice for decades and now you can too!

1.    Eat fiber every day.  Fiber slows down sugars, “soaks up” fat, and cleanses and regulates the digestive track. Where to find the best sources? Raw veggies (in moderation), or two teaspoons of oat or wheat bran mixed into yogurt or applesauce will do the trick.
1. 每天吃纤维。 纤维降低糖份吸收,吸收脂肪,并且清洁和调节消化系统。从哪里找到最好的纤维来源呢?生的蔬菜(适中),或在酸奶或苹果酱中加入两匙燕麦或麦麸就够了。

2.    Take vitamins every day! Americans suffer from all sorts of vitamin deficiencies as a result of our culture’s obsession with refined foods. Take back your health with a daily multivitamin taken during a meal.
2. 每天服用维生素。 美国人普遍缺乏各种维生素,导致我们文化中对精致食品的迷恋。每天用餐时服用多种维生素剂来恢复健康。

3.    Moderate salt intake. Ah, salt. The flavorful seasoning we love to hate and hate to love. Whatever you do, don’t drive yourself crazy — the  “no salt” rule is just not realistic. Just be smart about it: try mixing a little salt into an herb and spice mix (or use an Herbes de Provence mix) to season your food, and never re-salt after cooking.
3. 适量摄入盐分。 啊,盐。这种可口的调味料,我们喜欢讨厌它,又讨厌喜欢它。无论你做什么,不要让你自己疯狂——“无盐”准则是不切实际的。只需放聪明点:试着把一点盐跟香草和香料混合在一起给食物调味,而且煮熟后不要再加盐。

4.    Learn to identify the difference between a good fat and a bad fat. Bad fats are of the saturated variety (think bacon and egg yolks). Good fats are of the monounsaturated and polyunsaturated varieties (like fish, olive oil, nuts, and avocados).
4. 学习辨别有益脂肪和无益脂肪的区别。无益脂肪是指饱和脂肪的种类(想想火腿和蛋黄)。有益脂肪是指单一饱和脂肪和多重饱和脂肪的种类(如鱼,橄榄油,坚果和鳄梨)。

5.    Walk, walk, walk. French women don’t belong to “gyms.” They just walk everywhere. Walking is the single best method for regulating metabolism, nervous system and blood sugar level.
5. 走路,走路,再走路。 法国女性不常去健身房。他们只是到处走走。走路是调节新陈代谢,神经系统和血糖浓度的唯一最佳方法。

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