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6.    Remove the “extreme diet” lingo from your vocabulary. They don’t work. Why? Because historically, people don’t stick to them, which creates a yo-yo effect, which paves the way for obesity. The best diet is “rebalancing” the neurodigestive circuits, which ultimately leads to healthy weight loss and achievement of your “ideal weight.”
6. 从你的字典里除去“极度节食”的术语。它们是无效的。为什么?因为从历史上看,人们不能坚持下去,这样会创造出摇摆不定的效果,反而为肥胖奠定了基础。最好的方法是重新调整神经消化循环系统,最终达到健康减肥并实现你的理想体重。

7.    Understand glycemic and Slim-Data food indexes. This will help you recognize the impact foods have on organs and digestion.
7. 了解食品中血糖和脂肪指数。这将帮助你认识到食品对器官和消化的影响。

8.    Learn the essentials of balanced meals. The importance of fruits, vegetables and herbs to balance out protein and fat consumption is the essence of any healthy diet.  Add in healthy doses of non-sparkling, room temperature water throughout the day and you’ve got a recipe for perfection.
8. 认识到平衡饮食的本质。 水果,蔬菜和香草抵消蛋白质和脂肪摄入的重要性是任何健康饮食的本质。每天增加健康量的无气泡矿泉水,常温水,你就拥有完美的食谱。

9.    Appreciate the notion that “time” is on your side. Sure, you can’t turn back the hands of time, but you can make each tick more enjoyable. This means, enjoy the time you spend cooking a meal (it’s great stress relief) and savor each bite slowly (it improves assimilation and is better for digestion).
9. 意识到“时间”是站在你这边的。 当然,你不可能使时光倒流,但是你可以使每一秒过得更快乐。这意味着享受你做饭的时间(这能巨大缓解压力),并慢慢品尝每一口(这样能增强吸收和更好消化)。

10.    Keep your emotions in check. Stress and emotional pressure have a major impact on our metabolic balance. So take five minutes before and after each meal to just sit, relax, and breathe. Your body (and mind) will thank you!
10. 好好控制自己的情绪。 压力和情感压力对我们新陈代谢的平衡有重要影响。所以,吃饭前后5分钟坐下来,放松,呼吸。你的身体(和精神)会感谢你。

Dr. Yann Rougier is the founder of Forte Pharma Laboratories and creator of Turboslim Chronoactiv — the best-selling nutritional supplement supporting weight loss in France, which is now available here in the States.
Yann Rougier博士是Forte Pharma实验室的创始人,还是Turboslim Chronoactiv的创始人——法国帮助减肥最畅销的营养补充品,如今在美国也可以买到。