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Elegant straw Swing for sale 精致草编秋千椅

Shipped from shanghai, originally bought as gift for girlfriend. 从上海订购的,之前是买给女友的礼物。

The swing is in excellent condition, very sturdy, can hold lots of weight. Asking for 1,500 Rmb or best offer, swing away with your dream, swing now! 秋千椅质地非常好,很坚固,承受力强。1500元出售,价格可商讨。来一起摇摆吧!

White 104 liter Fish Tank and base 白色金鱼缸

Make this your first fish tank and your last with all the accessories needed. Comes with power water filter, gravel rocks, sea shells, temperature warmer. Additional battery power air bubble maker and cleaning supplies. 想买一个长久好用设备齐全的金鱼缸?那就是这个了!配备有滤水器、卵石、海贝、加热装置,除此还配有使用电池的泡泡机和清洁用具。

Asking price 500 Rmb. 售价500元人民币

Midea Hot plate 美的电磁炉

Cook foods fast and safe, with digital timer and precise cooking temperatures. 100 Rmb 快捷安全,有电子计时功能和精确烹饪温度调控,售价100人民币。

Nintendo Wii fit balance board includes wii fit games 任天堂Wii平衡板

Almost new wii fit. Use with Nintendo wii and have a blast playing with friends and experience wii in a move interactive way. Do yoga, exercise or play games and enjoy much more! 几近全新,配套任天堂wii游戏机使用,可体验超炫体感。

Asking price 400 Rmb or best offer 售价400元人民币,价格可商讨。

Robot smart vacuum with safe bumper 智能自动吸尘器,附带安全缓冲器

Just relax and let the robot do the work. Can vacuum and polish the floors or carpet. Perfect for those people who want to take a break but still enjoy a clean home. 让智能除尘器帮你打扫地板,情结地毯。适合那些不想动手又希望家里干净的人。

robot vacuum is 250 rmb or best offer 售价250人民币,价格可商讨。

Phillips Vacuum cleaner 飞利浦吸尘器

Works on carpet and wood and easy to clean with reusable dust bag. With two push buttons one for power and other for retractable cord. Make life easier. 可为地毯和木质地板除尘,使用可循环利用集尘袋。两个控制按钮,一为电源,一控制可伸缩电线。

Asking price 200 Rmb. 售价200元人民币。