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In a competitive economy where people still value their family and leisure time, figuring out the answer could give businesses a strategic advantage, so it's no surprise that plenty of people have conflicting opinions on the matter.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg tells graduates in his usual commencement address that "it never hurts to be the first one in in the morning -- and the last one to leave."

In last year's bestselling book Rework, 37 Signals co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson complain about people who "try to fix problems by throwing sheer hours at them.... This results in inelegant solutions." Workaholics "aren't heroes," they write. "They don't save the day, they just use it up. The real hero is already home because she figured out a faster way to get things done."
在去年的一本畅销书《重来》(Rework)中,37信号公司(37 Signals)联合创始人贾森.弗莱德与戴维.海涅迈尔.汉森抱怨,有些人“指望靠单纯投入时间来解决问题……结果却拿不出什么好办法。”他们在书中写道:“工作狂并不是英雄。他们不是在节约时间,而是在耗时间。真正的英雄已经回到家中,因为她已经找到了更快捷的方法去完成工作。