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  Many fathers these days want it all -- time with kids, promotions at work and a spouse who shares the parenting duties.


  But some say they would trade in their commute and office gig for a stay-at-home role.


  With Father's Day just around the corner, a new study surveying nearly 1,000 fathers in the United States working at Fortune 500 firms takes a look at just how hard it is for dads to balance their work and life goals.


  The study titled "The New Dad: Caring, Committedand Conflicted" was unveiled on Wednesday by the Boston College Center for Work &Family.


  Dads have long been celebrated fortheir role as breadwinner in the family. Now the top priority of men with children under the age of 18 still living at home is the softer side of being a father -- providing love and support.


  More than half of all fathers surveyed said they would consider not working outside the home if the family was able to live comfortably on one salary, a surprising change in perception, said Brad Harrington, executive director of the center.

  接受调查的父亲们有超过半数的人表示,如果只靠一份收入家里就能舒服地过日子,他们会考虑不外出工作。波士顿学院工作与家庭中心的执行董事布莱德 哈灵顿说,这是观念上的一个惊人转变。