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  Even in today's very tough job market, a college degree is the best long-term investment – by far, promising higher returns than stocks, bonds, housing, and even gold, according to a study released this week by the Brookings Institution.
    即便是在当下异常严峻的就业市场上,截至目前为止,大学文凭仍然是最好的长期投资。本周,布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)发布的一项研究称,比起股票、债券、房产,甚至是黄金来说,大学文凭的回报率都要更高。

    The Washington, DC-based think tank crunches some interesting numbers:

    On average, a four-year degree is the equivalent of an investment that returns 15.2% a year. That's more than double the average return to stock market investments since the 1950s, which average 6.8%; more than five times the return to investments in corporate bonds, which return 2.9%; gold at 2.3%, long-term government bonds at 2.2% and housing at 0.4%.

    Admittedly, a college education demands pretty hefty costs upfront.

    Researchers Michael Greenstone and Adam Looney estimate costs of a four-year college degree at $102,000 and about $28,000 for a two-year associate's degree. This factors in the typical costs of tuition and fees (minus room and board, since as researcher noted, you eat and sleep whether or not you go to college), as well as pay that students give up if they had spent their years right after high school working instead of going to college.