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  Their coping strategies included using emotional or instrumental support; self-distraction; denial; religion; venting; substance use; self-blame; and behavioral disengagement.


  Of these, using social support; denial; venting; behavioral disengagement; and self-blame coping had negative effects on satisfaction at the end of the day.


  The more students used these coping strategies in dealing with the day's most bothersome failure, the less satisfied they felt.


  In contrast, positive reframing or trying to see things in a more positive light; acceptance and humor coping had positive effects on satisfaction.


  The more students used these coping strategies in dealing with failures, the more satisfied they felt at the end of the day.


  Lead researcher Dr Joachim Stoeber believes that the findings will be of significant interest to clinicians, counselors and anyone working on stress research.


  He said: 'The finding that positive reframing was helpful for students high in perfectionist concerns is particularly important because it suggests that even people high in perfectionist concerns, who have a tendency to be dissatisfied no matter what they achieve, are able to experience high levels of satisfaction if they use positive reframing coping when dealing with perceived failures.'


  He added that a helpful recommendation for anyone trying to cope would be to try to find positive aspects in the outcomes they regard as 'failures', and reframe these outcomes in a more positive way - for example, by focusing on what has been achieved, rather than on what has not been achieved.


  'It's no use ruminating about small failures and setbacks and drag yourself further down,' he said.


  'Instead it is more helpful to try to accept what happened, look for positive aspects and - if it is a small thing - have a laugh about it.'


  The study is published in the journal Anxiety, Stress & Coping.
