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英国议员成微博控 年均用1千小时


  Film stars do it, teenagers do it and now even MPs are falling head over heelsin love with Twitter.


  They spend 1,000 hours a year chatting to constituents, friends and even complete strangers on the social networking site. In one week alone this summer, MPs tapped out nearly 2,500 ‘tweets’.


  According to new research, the politicians spend the equivalent of almost one day a week sending out the messages of no more than 140 characters. The survey by a political lobbying firm found that 275 out of 650 MPs are tweeting, including Labour leader Ed Miliband.

  一条推特信息不超过140字符,但最新调查却显示,议员们每周上推特的时间相当于一整天。在受访的650名国会议员中,有275人使用推特,包括工党领袖埃德 米利班德。一家政治游说公司开展了此项调查。

  And research by The Mail on Sunday reveals that Mr Miliband’s party dominates the Twitter Top 10, which is made up of six Labour MPs, three Tories and just one Liberal Democrat.


  Topping the list are Bristol MP Kerry McCarthy and Glasgow South’s Tom Harris – who have both tweeted well over 20,000 times.

  位居榜首的是布里斯托尔的克里 麦卡锡议员和南格拉斯哥的汤姆 哈里斯议员,两人都发了超过两万条推文。

  Mr Harris, 47, said: ‘People like to know that MPs are human and have interests outside politics. I don’t just tweet about politics. I do it about family, TV, normal things like that.’


  But Tory MP Brian Binley, a committed non-tweeter, said: ‘I just cannot see the point. I’ve never had a constituent come to me and say, “Why aren’t you blogging or tweeting?” ’

  不过保守党议员布莱恩 宾利就是反微博主义者。他说:“我觉得没有意义。从来没有一个选民走过来问我,‘你为什么不写博客,不用推特啊?’”

  At least Northampton MP Mr Binley, 69, has the backing of the Prime Minister on his aversion to Twitter.


  Two years ago, David Cameron famously made clear he was no fan when he unguardedlytold a radio station that ‘the trouble with Twitter, the instantness of it – [is that] too many twits might make a tw*t’. He later apologised for his language.

  两年前,首相大卫 卡梅伦就宣称他对推特毫不感兴趣。他在接受一家电台采访时一不留神说漏了嘴:“推特的麻烦在于,发太多推文人会变傻,这也是它的即时性造成的。”之后他为自己言语不当而道歉。

  Westminster Public Affairs, which conducted the Twitter survey, said parliamentary tweeters fell into two camps – obsessives who tweeted all the time and ‘lurkers’ who only occasionally sent out a message.


  Last night, Olly Kendall, director of Westminster Public Affairs, said tweeting helped MPs ‘humanise’ themselves.

  昨晚,威斯敏斯特公共事务部主任欧利 肯达尔称,用推特使得议员们更有人情味。

  ‘Some of the unguarded momentsof honesty reveal a side to them that most people don’t usually see – humorous, self-deprecating and down-rightordinary.’


  Mr Kendall added: ‘The savvyMPs use Twitter not just to propagate party spin but to engage in an honest and open dialogue and to let constituents get to know them as people as well as for their political views.’
