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英国疯狂露天音乐节 乐迷雨中起舞


  Music festivals are a big part of British youth culture. Glastonbury Festival is the biggest and most widely known of these festivals, and all the most popular music artists will play here.音乐节是英国年轻人文化的重要组成部分。其中,格拉斯顿伯里音乐节是英国最大也是最受关注的音乐节,所有知名的音乐人都会在这个音乐节里演出。

  The festival takes place in south west England at Worthy Farm.The size and nature of the festival, held over three or four days in the open air, with performers, crew and paying festival goers staying in tents, caravans and motorhomes, has meant that the weather is significant.格拉斯顿伯里音乐节一般在英国西南部的沃西农场举行。由于音乐节为期3-4天而且是露天进行,这就意味着表演者和观众都必须要么住在帐篷里或者旅行车里或者旅宿车里,当然,天气的好坏尤为重要。

  The festival is held in a huge field. People can sleep in tents, or tipi's which are a special kind of round tent, and some will barely sleep for 3 days so they can listen to all their favourite/ or new bands!音乐节在一个宽广的场所举行。人们睡在帐篷或者叫做tipi's的特殊的圆型帷帐里。有些人甚至几乎三天都不睡觉,这样他们就可以听到所有他们喜欢的乐队或新乐队表演。

  The festival is quite funny because often in England it is very rainy, and sometimes thousands of people will wear wellington boots and even dance in the rain!由于整个音乐节非常有趣,但是英国本身又多雨,因此经常可以看见上千人穿着惠灵顿长靴在雨中跳舞。