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英国疯狂露天音乐节 乐迷雨中起舞

  There is a real focus at the festival to preserve the land and be enviromentally friendly.Every trader at Glastonbury has to recycle, use biodegradable plates and cutlery and serve fair-trade tea and coffee. In addition they run a special competition every year to celebrate those who go above and beyond this. The prize for being the greenest of the green is a free pitch at the next festival. 在音乐节中,环境保护问题格外受到关注。商贩必须在音乐节里必须回收物品,必须使用可降解的盘子和餐具,同时也必须价格公道的出售茶和咖啡。每年,商贩之间会举行一场特殊的比赛,争取做到高于环保标准的服务。最为环保的商贩拥有下一年音乐节免费入场资格。

  It is amazing that tickets for the festival always sell out within an hour or 2 of going on sale each year!让人惊讶的是,每年音乐节的门票都能在1-2个小时之内被抢购一空。