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       Do you have the habits of a successful person? Your habits alone determine who you become.  Your habits alone determine if you succeed.
      James Allen said, "We are anxious to change our circumstances, but we are unwilling to change ourselves."
      Put it another way, we are anxious to succeed, but we are unwilling to create the habits that cause success.

The Law of Habit 习惯的黄金定律

      The Law of Habit states that the more frequently you perform a task the easier is becomes to perform that task the next time, and consequently, the more difficult it becomes not to perform the task.


      If you go the same way to work everyday, you would find it difficult to go in a different direction, simply because we are creatures of habit, and we protect the habits that we have, good or bad.
      Over 90 percent of the tasks that we complete are rooted in habit: the way we put on our shirt, brush our teeth, skip flossing at night, all are rooted in habit.

      Our habits are a very powerful tool, and when used to our benefit can be life altering.  However, they can also be used to our detriment.

The Purpose of Discipline and Will Power 纪律和意志力的目的
      Discipline will only get you so far.  In order to make progress you need to tap into the power of your subconscious mind, the source of your habits.
      The subconscious mind is the “work horse” of the mind because it controls your habits; it manages the “habits” that accounts for your life.

      If you have good habits programmed into your subconscious mind, then you will do good things, and you will succeed.  And, if you have bad habits programmed into your subconscious mind, then you will act accordingly.
      Discipline and will power are to be used to create the right habits, and then those habits will give you the life you desire.