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Change Your Habits 改变你的习惯

      Today I want to encourage you to change some of your bad habits to good habits and use the power of “habit” to change your life.
      If you can learn how to have a perfect day, then you can have a perfect life, you just have to duplicate that day through the tool of your habits.
      Your habits are a servant, and they will enslave you or free you.  You choose by using your will power what they do.  When you consciously make a choice over and over again, it eventually becomes a habit.  Your desires are turned over to the force of habit, and you become the slave of the habit.
      If you're wise you will use your will to create beneficial habits, and those beneficial habits will grant you the life you desire.
The Profound Power of Habits 习惯深不可测的力量
      Your habits will take you further than your dreams.  You don’t need a miracle, and you don’t need to be lucky.  You need the right set of habits.
      If you have the habits of a rich person then you will become rich, if you have the habits of a thin person then you will become thin, if you have the habits of a successful person, then you will become successful, it's all about the habits that you have.
      It's important that you discover the habits that cause you to succeed in a given area.  Once you find what those habits are it's just a matter of using your will to repeat that activity over and over until it becomes a habit.
Getting the Right Habits 培养好的习惯
      If you can get the habits right, the results will come automatically.  A habit of investing large sums of money will eventually make you rich; a habit of eating the right foods and exercising will eventually give you the body of your dreams.
      Will power can't do this for you because you only have a limited amount of will power.  That will power is used up every time you resist a habit and even when you're under stress.