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Breaking Old Habits 摒弃旧的习惯
      The best way to break a habit is to replace it with a new habit.  You replace eating bad food with a habit of eating good food.  You replace not working out at 1:00pm with working out everyday at 1:00pm.  Not saving money with saving money.  You find the opposite of the task and you perform that as well.  And if you can do it consistently, through will power at first, then you will build the habit and the habit will cause you to succeed.
      How long will it take?  It depends on the complexity of the habit that you’re trying to break and how deeply it's rooted in your life.  But one things for sure, if you keep on going in the right direction you will eventually get to your destination.  And another thing, failure is not an option for you, so keep working on creating the habit until you succeed.

In Closing 结束语
      Nothing is more important then the right habits which will cause success.  Can you build the right habits, I believe you can?  Here's to starting new life-changing habits, here's to your success.