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哈勃望远镜实拍 支离破碎的星体


  Halton Arp’s Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies sounds like a book that one might find in the library at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter books – but it’s real, a book which catalogues the strangest astronomical objects found so far by man.

  This galaxy, Holmberg II, is one of its star attractions – among the oddest places in the universe.


  Here, it’s captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in the act of ‘blowing bubbles’ – actually intricate glowing shells of gas created by the lifecycles of generations of stars.


  High-mass stars form in dense regions of gas, and later in life expel strong stellar winds that blow away the surrounding material.


  At the very end of their lives, they explode in as a supernova.


  Shock waves rip through the less dense regions around the stars, heating the gas and forming the delicate shells we see today.


  Holmberg II is a patchwork of dense star-forming regions and extensive barren areas with less material, which can stretch across thousands of light-years – so, gravitationally speaking, it’s a gentle haven where fragile structures such as these bubbles can hold their shape.


  But what earned Holmberg II its place in Halton Arp’s Atlas is what you can’t see in this image: the ultraluminous X-ray source in the middle of three gas bubbles in the top right of the image.


  There are competing theories as to what causes this powerful radiation — one intriguing possibility is an intermediate-mass black hole which is pulling in material from its surroundings.


  Astronomers took the picture using an advanced camera on the Hubble Space Telescope. The image is a combination of visible and near-infrared exposures taken using the Wide Field Channel of Hubble’s Advanced Camera for Surveys.
