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你的身材是"苹果"还是"梨"? 基因说了算


      The genes lead to differences in body shape in both sexes, but seven of them led to a greater expression of either shape in women than in men.


  The researchers said the discovery held out the hope of drugs that could alter fat distribution to the safer option - potentially turning "apples" at high risk of disease into "pears".


  In a second search of the same data they found 18 sets of genes associated with obesity, increasing the number of genes associated with a high BMI (body mass index)to 32. People with many of these 32 genes weighed 15.4lb to 19.8lb (7 to 9kg) more than those with few of them.

  研究者基于相同的数据做出第二个研究发现18组与肥胖有关的基因。这些基因将与体质指数有关的基因数增加到32. 人体内带有这32组基因的人们的体重要比体内很少带有这些基因的人们的体重重15.4磅到19.8磅(7至9千克)。

  Dr Cecilia Lindgren of the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics at Oxford University, was involved in both papers, published in the journal Nature Genetics.
