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  The good thing about being single is that people are usually pretty willing to talk about your romantic life, because, let's face it, it's probably more entertaining than that of your seriously coupled-up friends.


  The bad news? Sometimes, people will want to talk about your love life regardless of whether or not you're in the mood to talk about it. And they will have opinions. And questions. And if you're single for long enough, a lot of these are gonna start sounding the same...


  1. "Are you seeing someone? Why not?"


  Amazingly, I get this question at least once a week. At least once a week! It's fun to turn the question around to the asker. "Why are you in a relationship?" "Because I'm in love!" "Right, well, I'm not." End of discussion!

  你可能不相信,但我每周最少都能被问到一次这问题。一周一次还是最少的!想要找点乐子的话,我就会反问提问的人:“那你为什么有对象了呢?” “因为我找到爱情了啊。” “太对了,我就是没找到啊。” 讨论结束!

  2. "Have you tried online dating?"


  Online dating? What is this new fangledthing you speak of? (Of course we're online dating!)


  3. "It'll happen when you least expect it."


  The problem is, if you're single and actively looking, then you're always kind of expecting it.


  4. "Oh my god, can I wing for you? I am such a good wingman."


  If you're single for long enough, you become sort of a toy, a pet project for your coupled up friends. They like to parade you out to bars and insist on wingingfor you, which is really just a way for them to vicariouslyexperience the "thrill" of picking someone up at a bar. The problem is that for them, it's all about the hunt, and not at all about finding someone with whom you would actually be compatiblein the long term (or even just in daylight). The end result is usually a huffyride home ("But I set it up perfectly for you! He was so into you! He was not that bad!") followed by the inevitable conclusion that you are single because you're picky and obviously imperviousto even the most nuancedand skillful winging.


  5. "You need to put yourself out there more!"


  Out where, exactly? Whenever some helpful soul suggests this to me, I immediately picture myself in the middle of some crowded piazza, waving my arms around, saying "yooo-hoooo!"
