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  According to Wong, his jokes aren’t random humor, but are carefully crafted with his science background. He said people enjoy absurd logic. For instance, the US government spends tax raised from cigarettes on finding ways to cure cancer. Wong jokes: “When I smoked, I was actually finding a way to cure cancer.”


  He also makes jokes about himself being an immigrant. “Americans are good at self-mockery. They will not look down at you if you make fun of yourself. They will consider you humorous,” Wong said.


  “Also, I want to tell stories about immigrants to raise their profile.”


  Wong has his critics. Some people think that he could contribute more to society as a biochemist, rather than a stand-up comedian, but Wong disagrees.


  “I have been to Harvard and met many Chinese professors there. I think science in the US has enough Chinese,” Wong said. “But in my area, you hardly found any Chinese.”


  Wong said he’d changed many Americans’ stereotypical view that Chinese lack a sense of humor and are always buried in work.


  “Hopefully more people will understand our stories. I also want to encourage immigrants like me to speak out and live better.”




美式"小沈阳" 走红美利坚

黄西(Joe Wong)2010年美国记者年会上的表演