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The U.S., Japan and India on Monday held their first trilateral security meeting to discuss security issues in East Asia, and the Washington event is set to be the start of a trend. Beijing is predictably unhappy about this convergence of the world's superpower, the second-largest economy in Asia, and the other large developing country. But China must prepare itself for more such meetings, because China's own actions are bringing them about.

Technically, China's rise did not feature at the meeting. Security of sea lanes of communication, coordination of humanitarian assistance and global terrorism were the focus. But China was the unspoken subtext. After all, one of the biggest threats to free navigation in Asia is China's growing assertiveness in pursuing unreasonable territorial claims in the South China Sea and in various island disputes with Japan. A pressing humanitarian problem is North Korea, a totalitarian state sustained by Beijing's patronage. India faces a serious terrorism threat from Pakistan, another friend of China.

The question facing the three powers that met in Washington is how to manage these concerns. Traditionally the American presence in the region on its own has been a strong guarantor of stability. But economic constraints back home increasingly will force the U.S. to seek a new arrangement. This is likely to include reliance on regional allies to carry more of the security burden, as is the case with America's North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies in Europe.

In line with this strategy, Washington has encouraged a greater role for India in East and Southeast Asia. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, during her visit to India earlier this year, asked India 'not just to look east, but to engage east and act east as well.' India has responded with a renewed focus on its Look East Policy, which has evolved from economic and trade linkages to a gradual strengthening of security ties.

根据这一策略,华盛顿曾鼓励印度在东亚和东南亚扮演更大角色。国务卿克林顿(Hillary Clinton)今年早些时候访问印度时,要求印度不要只是朝着东边看,还要跟东边打交道,在东边行动。印度的回应是重新关注于它的“东向政策”(Look East Policy),这一政策已经从经济贸易联系演变为安全关系的逐渐加强。
India's ties with Japan, in particular, have been gaining momentum thanks to growing enthusiasm in both New Delhi and Tokyo. India's booming economy makes it an attractive economic partner for Japan as the latter tries to overcome long years of stagnation. Japan also is reassessing its traditionally passive security stance and looking for opportunities to play a greater role while staying within the bounds of its non-aggression commitments. Of all Japan's neighbors, India seems most willing to acknowledge Japan's central role in guaranteeing Asian security.

Moreover, a new generation of political leaders in India and Japan view each other with fresh eyes, allowing for a break from past suspicion. China has inadvertently hastened this process along. Both India and Japan are well aware of China's not so subtle attempts at preventing their rise. It is most clearly reflected in China's opposition to the expansion of the United Nations Security Council to include India and Japan as permanent members.
