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We are witnessing the decline and fall of investment banking as we have known it for the past 40 years.


The evidence is everywhere. The increasing regulations on Wall Street — as required by the Dodd-Frank law and still being written by the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodities Futures Trading Commission and others agencies in the US and Europe — will require the remaining companies to increase their capital, curb their risk-taking and reduce their principal investing.


Aside from the fact that investing principal and proprietary risk-taking per se had nothing to do with the financial crisis — and that the ability of Goldman Sachs Group to make a huge proprietary bet against the mortgage market probably helped save the firm — these new rules will curb Wall Street's revenue and profitability at a time when the business itself is suffering a severe slowdown. (What sunk Wall Street in 2008 was the seemingly more conventional business of the manufacture, packaging and sale of increasingly risky mortgage-backed and other debt securities.)


Not being able to make those big proprietary bets when you see them developing — in effect, the closing of the casino that Wall Street has become over the past few decades — will severely limit bankers' money-making opportunities. It will also protect the rest of us when those big bets go wrong or are perceived to be too risky. (For every Goldman Sachs acting brilliantly, there is an MF Global Holdings acting foolishly).


There is little debate anymore that Wall Street had become highly dependent on its trading operations. Something like 90 percent of Bear Stearns's profits in the years leading up to its March 2008 demise came from its trading and debt-origination activities. At Goldman Sachs in 2010, its traditional investment-banking operations generated only $1.3 billion of $12.9 billion in pretax earnings, about 10 percent.


The slowdown in business, combined with the looming trading curbs, has resulted in job losses across Wall Street. Morgan Stanley recently announced it was firing 1,600 employees. Goldman Sachs has done its usual turn of eliminating the bottom 10 percent of its workforce and a group of its long-serving partners. Bank of America announced that about 30,000 employees would be chopped by the end of 2012, although a number of the firm’s investment bankers lost their jobs in the past month.
