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Woman, London
I took this image, like many of my others, while traveling around with my camera. This particular image was taken in London's Camden Market, as part of a project I'd given myself to investigate physical identity and how the people drawn to a certain area tend to embody the energy of that place within their appearance. The lady in the picture, despite her bright accessories and make-up, has an undeniable feeling of tragedy to her; her stare is unnerving, almost haunting.
就如同其他照片一样,这张是我在旅行途中拍摄的。准确地说是我在伦敦的Camden Market考察风土人情的时候拍的,我一直认为一个地方的特色是能通过当地人的外表体现出来的,图片中的这位姑娘就有一种伦敦式的独特的忧伤气质,抛开遗传和化妆的因素不提,她的眼神让人神经紧张,久久不能忘怀。
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