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6. Don't use social networking sites or instant-messaging with friends throughout the workday. When you're at work, you should focus 100 percent on work. There's no quicker way to make a bad impression than to be spotted on Gmail or IM’ing with friends when you should be working. 不要在工作时间,登录社交网站或即时聊天软件跟朋友闲聊。工作时,要把注意力100%的集中在工作上。在工作中被人看见在Gmail或即时通讯工具上与朋友闲聊,你会给别人留下坏印象。

7. Do what you say you're going to do and by when you say you're going to do it. Always, always sticking to your word will establish you as someone reliable and trustworthy, someone who is on top of their game—and it's such rare behavior that you'll stand out for it. 守时守信。信守承诺会使你成为值得依赖的人,工作中的优胜者——这种做法难能可贵,你要坚持不懈。

8. Pay attention to the culture. This is hugely important, and when new employees don't do it, they come across as tone-deaf. Observe how others act and you'll pick up a ton of information about cultural expectations. Are people compulsively on time for meetings? Do they take a real lunch or eat at their desks? What hours do most people work? Is there a lot of chitchat during the day, or do people stay focused? Do people primarily use email to communicate or do they talk in person? While you don't need to become someone you’re not, you do want to try to roughly fit into cultural parameters. 关注企业文化。企业文化至关重要,新员工不依照而行,会成为曲调中的不和谐音。观察别人怎么做,会获取大量企业文化期望值信息。例如:员工必须准时参加会议吗?人们重视午餐还是随便吃一点?大多数人在什么时段工作?工作时间多数人在闲聊,还是专心工作?人们主要以什么方式交流,邮件还是面对面交谈?当然,不必为此改变自己,差不多不与同事格格不入就是了。

9. Be open to learning. You may have learned lots of theory in the classroom, but it tends to change drastically when human behavior gets involved. College gave you theory; work is going to give something entirely different, so stay humble and realize your first job is going to be largely about learning. 虚心学习你可能在学校学了一大套理论,但是涉及到人类行为时,它会发生戏剧性地变化。大学教授你理论,工作则给予你完全不同的历练,所以要谦虚,让你的第一份工作成为广阔的学习天地。

10. Thank people who help you. When your boss or another coworker takes the time to help you with something, give them a sincere thank you. People who feel appreciated are more likely to go out of their way for you again. If you don't seem to care, they probably won't bother again. 感谢帮助你的人。老板或同事抽出时间帮你做事,要衷心地感谢他们。人们因付出而受到感激,会很高兴再次帮你。如果你看起来满不在乎,他们可能不再帮你。