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Your workload has increased, so have your boss's expectations. But scaling back could mean losing a job.


Talk about stress.


Paul Baard, an organizational and motivational psychologist at Fordham University's graduate business school in New York, knows just how stressful a work environment can get. He has consulted with athletes in the high-stakes, high-pressure world of professional sports.

纽约福德汉姆大学(Fordham University)商学院组织和动机心理学家巴德(Paul Baard)了解工作环境中的压力究竟有多大。他曾为风险高、压力大的职业体育竞技领域的运动员们做过咨询。

What secret has he passed along to those clients? When you are in a slump, you can still contribute by encouraging your teammates.

Christoph Hitz 他向那些客户们传授了什么秘诀呢?那就是:即使你状态不佳,也可以通过鼓励队友来为团队做出贡献。

Rather than burdening a team with distracting self-doubt and pity, try to help others, he advises. "In order to remain self-motivated, research has found that the innate psychological need for competence must be satisfied,' Mr. Baard says. 'This drive pertains not only to the ability to do a job but to achieve something through it─to have impact, to contribute. A way an employee can expand opportunities to satisfy this need is to help her team succeed by encouraging others, even if her direct contributions are limited."


Age, occupation and family circumstances, among other factors, can all play a part in how workers respond to different stressors. But experts say there are steps that can help you take control of your happiness at work this year.


Find meaning in your tasks. Commitment to a goal beyond self-promotion can help a worker manage stress levels, says John Weaver, a psychologist at Psychology For Business, a Brookfield, Wis.-based employment consultancy.

从你的工作中寻找意义。总部位于威斯康星州布鲁克菲尔德(Brookfield)的人力资源咨询公司Psychology For Business的心理学家约翰.韦弗(John Weaver)说,专注于一个比自我提升更高的目标能够帮助员工管理压力水平。

Several years ago, Mr. Weaver consulted for a long-term-care facility in Wisconsin that had flooded. Because of the water damage, the residents and employees had been forced to move into an already occupied facility. Employees felt cramped and annoyed, he says, and pettiness abounded.


To help the workers regain a positive attitude, Mr. Weaver asked each person this question: Why do you do this work?


"People don't work in nursing because it pays so much or it's glamorous or it's easy," he says. "As they heard the question you could see their attitude change. They could see the reasons why they needed to work together, to put aside difficulties and compromise, and residents were treated better."


Remembering why you are in a business can help you manage stress, Mr. Weaver says.
