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2012-02-03来源:daily mail

For most Venezuelans, obtaining U.S. dollars in a tightly regulated economy is a nightmare.

But not for President Hugo Chavez’s 14-year-old daughter, Rosines, who posted a picture of herself peering out from behind a wad of greenbacks.

The picture, posted on Instagram, a free photo-sharing app, triggered controversy in Venezuela this week after posting a picture of herself flaunting a fistful of dollars.

Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites seethed with resentment from people who said they had been unable to change bolivares, the local currency, because of government limits on the amount of dollars that can be bought at the official, fixed rate.

Some Twitter users are mocking Rosines' photo by taking photos of themselves flaunting everyday items, calling the craze #rosinesing.

Exchange controls adopted in 2003 to reduce capital flight oblige Venezuelans to navigate a state agency called CADIVI which is notorious for delays, corruption and capping individual allowances at $3,000 a year.
2003年,委内瑞拉为减少资金外流,开始实行外汇管制,并设有臭名昭著的外汇管理委员会(CADIVI)。CADIVI 办事拖延严重,贪污腐败成风。委内瑞拉每人每年兑换上限为3000美元。

Those with inside connections get extra greenbacks, those without must take their chance on an illegal parallel market which charges double for dollars.
而有关系的人可以获得更多的美元, 没有关系的人只能在非法的二级市场上碰碰运气。通常二级市场要以双倍的汇率才能兑换美元。

'I can't have even a single dollar unless I buy it on the black market because CADIVI has us prisoner!!!,' said Marisel Ramirez, one typical comment on the website of a newspaper, Diario Maracaibo.