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2012-02-03来源:daily mail
'What annoys me is the mockery given that we have to beg CADIVI and banks to give us dollars,' said Gerar Ortega, another commentator.

Others contrasted the image of Rosines peeking behind the bills with her father's rhetoric against capitalism and consumerism. Some satirised the photo by substituting the dollars for cooking oil, coffee, sugar and other staples that occasionally become scarce in Venezuela.

However, some defended Rosines by pointing out that the bills were in small denominations and in total would not be worth a lot of money.

Rosines' mother, Marisabel, who divorced Chavez in 2003, defended her daughter on Twitter.

'I told her that her mistake wasn't to take the picture, but rather posting it on a medium where there are ignorant people who don't respect other,' she said.

The photo is the second time Rosines has made headlines for allegedly flaunting her family's lavish lifestyle, the first being when she posted a photo of herself meeting pop star Justin Bieber. Critics claimed this showed a glimpse of the family's exalted lifestyle.

Rosines’s latest picture, for many Venezuelans, highlights the parallel system at work: easy access for those close to Chavez, restrictions for those with no connections.

Chavez, who is seeking a third six-year term later this year, made his youngest child famous in 2006 when he credited her with an amendment to the national flag and coat of arms.

The then eight-year-old suggested the image of the horse should gallop right to left rather than left to right. Her father agreed and the national assembly approved the change