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2012-02-12来源:Readers Digest
4. Avocados
The flesh of these delicious green fruits is loaded with two powerful stress fighters: potassium and monounsaturated fatty acids. Both nutrients can lower blood pressure, and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) may play a part in helping ward off depression. In a large 11-year study, the more MUFAs Spanish participants ate, the less likely they were to be depressed. Researchers think the fats may improve how the brain absorbs the mood-boosting neurotransmitter serotonin. Sources: WebMd, More, Redbook
4. 鳄梨
这些美味的绿色水果,果肉里富含两种强大的抗压斗士 :钾和不饱和脂肪酸。这两种营养成分都可以降低血压。不饱和脂肪酸可能有助于抗抑郁。在一项持续了11年的大型研究中,参加实验的西班牙人吃的不饱和脂肪酸越多,他们抑郁的可能性就越低。研究人员认为这些脂肪可能有助于大脑吸收能改善情绪的神经递质血清素。
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