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We've done our best to identify corporations that are a pleasure to work for. But we couldn't possibly list them all. Maybe your company, too, is a party on a half shell! Take this quiz and find out.


When I go to work in the morning, I ...


A. Smile a little secret smile to myself.

A. 自顾自地偷笑。

B. Do a crossword puzzle on the train.

B. 在车上玩填字游戏。

C. Have a sphincter the size of a pinhead.

C. 心情郁闷。

The clothing I am expected to wear to work ...


A. Is a badge of honor. I wear it to sleep.

A. 是我的荣誉勋章,我睡觉都不愿意脱下来。

B. Is a uniform. All institutions have them. Get over it.

B. 只是制服而已。每家公司都有。将就穿吧。

C. Makes me feel like a trained monkey.

C. 让我觉得自己像只马戏团的猴子。

My boss ...


A. Is a titan of Excellence. God bless her.

A. 是个无比优秀的伟大人物。愿上帝保佑她。

B. Is a smart guy and can hold a drink.

B. 脑子很好使,酒量也不错。

C. Would club a baby harp seal.


Which would you rather have: free beverages or a pension?


A. Did you know that we get an entire kitchen full of free food and drinks? I don't even leave the building for lunch! I just work straight through! What a perk!

A. 知道吗,我们公司的厨房里全都是免费的食物和饮料。我连吃午餐都不用离开公司!我可以一直工作到下班!公司福利真是太好了!

B. I miss my old pension plan, which was taken away in 2006, but I understand why the company did it.

B. 我怀念以前的补贴计划。它在2006年被取消了。但我理解公司的苦衷。

C. I can buy my own Gatorade, thanks.

C. 我自己买得起饮料,谢谢。