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CCTV also sees opportunities in some corners of the world where cuts have forced the BBC to retreat, Mr Laurie said.


Americas Now, a news magazine show focusing on Latin America, launched on Sunday as part of that effort. The show featured reports on the demobilisation programme for the leftist Farc guerrillas in Colombia, on how Brazil is trying to pacify its violence-ridden slums and on women and machismo in Mexico.

比方说,CCTV聚焦于拉丁美洲的新闻杂志类节目Americas Now上周日上线。这期节目报道了哥伦比亚左翼革命武装力量(FARC)游击队的遣散计划,报道了巴西如何努力安顿暴力冲突不断的贫民窟,以及面对大男子主义的墨西哥女性。 

"These are stories not covered by the western media," says Barbary Dury, the former producer of CBS news magazine 60 minutes who joined CCTV America to produce the programme.

Americas Now制作人巴伯里•杜里(Barbary Dury)说:“这些都是西方媒体没有报道过的故事。”杜里曾担任美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)新闻杂志类节目“60分钟”制片人,现已加入CCTV北美分台。 

But things get more complicated when it comes to covering the US and China.


"US-based reporters will focus on human rights and China-US trade friction," says Wang Guan, political reporter for CCTV America who relocated to Washington two months ago after four years at CCTV's English service in Beijing. While he concedes that such are valid topics for US media, he argues that from a Chinese perspective, issues relating to people's livelihoods should take centre stage rather than the "utopian, vague topic of human rights".


Mr Wang said he tries to find angles underreported by the US media, and points to President Barack Obama's recent State of the Union address as an example. "While MSNBC would say that was a very presidential, powerful speech, and Fox would not find anything they like about Obama, I focused on the five times Obama mentioned China, and noticed that it sounded very much like a campaign speech," he said.

王冠称,他努力寻找美国媒体忽略的角度,并以美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)最近发表的国情咨文演讲(State of the Union)为例。他说:“微软全国广播公司(MSNBC)会说这是一场非常有力量的总统演讲,而福克斯(Fox)则会把它说得一无是处,而我关注的是奥巴马在演讲中5次提到中国,并且注意到,它听起来非常像一场竞选演讲。” 

While there might be room for diversity in US television, CCTV's traditional role as the Communist party's propaganda outlet raises questions about whether it can fill that void. Ms Dury says there has been no hint of censorship in her work so far but she is keenly aware of the issue and believes that it could happen, for example, on topics such as Taiwan or Tibet.


Additional reporting by Geoff Dyer in Washington

杰夫•代尔(Geoff Dyer)华盛顿补充报道
