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  8. Late for everything


  “DONE! I’ll be there on time!” Yes, that is not true! Because women always lose track of time and either they are just late or fashionablylate. And then you hear them saying like” AM I LATE!” don’t you just want to bang your head in the wall?

  “说定了!我一定准时到!” 好吧,你可别信以为真。女人要么没时间概念,要么会故意迟到。然后还会问一句“我迟到了吗?”,等的人是不是特想撞墙?

  7. Bitching and being mean


  When it comes to bitching, yes! Females take the top spot, when it comes to jealousy and competition nobody can take the position but them. Even getting jealous from their friends, they wear the best stuff so that the other women around them are like WOW and the particular woman they want to impress is THE ENEMY, she can easily take her down in no time.


  6. Overdramatic


  “WHAT!! DID SHE…!! DID SHE DO THAT!!” that is an expression when a girl hears that some friend of hers got a haircut, I mean seriously?


  “Aww, Did you see the baby! God! She looked so adorable! Eeeeeehh!” that is an expression when a girl saw a baby girl laughing!


  “SHOPPPPINGGGGG!!!!*SCREAMS*” yes, they are so overdramatic!

  还有像“购物去啦!!!” 这种尖叫,也很常见。女人可真能夸张啊……

  5. I have nothing to wear!


  Girls have this annoying habit of deciding what to wear! Their closet is full of clothes, shoes, jewelry and they are like calling their boyfriends or best friends crying and say “I have nothing to wear!” or “I just don’t know what to wear”. Well you know this thing normally happens because girls usually think that they should not be wearing anything twice! As her friends or other girls have seen it already! This is totally insane and irritating!

  就算衣柜里塞满衣服、鞋子、首饰,她们还是会跟好友或男友抱怨 “没衣服穿!” 或“不知道穿哪件好!” 在她们看来,一件衣服就不该重复穿。别人都看她穿过了,哪还有新鲜感!——这习惯实在令人气恼。

  4. Cutting in Line


  Even there is a huge board placed at a place saying “Wait for your turn!” or there is a queue of people standing, but these women actually do push people and cut in line, may be they consider it their right to do such thing and yeah! The worst part, they actually make a lot of excuses after doing it.


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